TalentChek: Revolutionizing Employment Tracking and Industry-Institution Collaboration 

TalentChek (www.talentchek.com) is an innovative and self-driven employment tracking application, as well as an Industry-Institution collaboration platform, conceived by Gopinath Sethuraman, the Founder and Managing Director of TalentChek.

TalentChek effectively addresses a range of challenges faced by employers and institutions, providing solutions to major pain points:

Incorporating TalentChek into the HR process may seem like a small change, but its impact in the workplace is significant. Notably, TalentChek boasts a vibrant Live Alumni network with Single Sign-On integration for School, College, and corporate networks, revolutionizing the way alumni stay connected. Moreover, GRATI, a feature within TalentChek, aids rural candidates in migrating to cities, providing lodging and boarding support without immediate charges. This has proven especially beneficial to women candidates, empowering them to secure desirable jobs independently. The platform also facilitates campus connects and internships through its Job portal.

TalentChek’s additional features, such as CIP (Company-Institution Partnership), Know Your Value, and others, have become indispensable for companies, institutions, and individuals, making participation in TalentChek an imperative choice rather than an option.

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